Server Hosting


Docker containers combines software and related dependencies into a standardized unit for software development that includes everything it needs to run: code, runtime, system tools and libraries. This guarantees that your application will always run the same and makes collaboration as simple as sharing a container image.

What I get
Docker CE, 20+, Apache 2
Docker Compose, 1.27+, Apache 2

In addition to the package installation, this One-Click also:

Configures Docker per the official Docker recommendations.
Configures Docker Compose per the official Docker Compose recommendations.

Once the Docker One-Click Droplet is created, you can log into it as root. Make sure to substitute the server’s public IPv4 address.

ssh root@your_server_public_ipv4

docker -d will already be running as a service and the docker command line tool is included in the PATH, so it’s ready to use.
Note: The default firewall for the Docker One-Click is UFW, which is a front end to iptables. However, Docker modifies iptables directly to set up communication to and from containers. This means that UFW won’t give you a full picture of the firewall settings. You can override this behavior in Docker by adding --iptables=false to the Docker daemon.

Good to know
The pre-installation refers only to the first setup/installation of the server and not to further operation. Once the installation is complete, you will have administrative access to the systems. You are responsible and liable for the further operation, administration, updates and changes.
The server can be reached via SSH and SFTP.

  • Don't forget the security.

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